Forensic Facial Reconstruction

Forensic facial reconstruction is the process of creating a likeness from a human skull to aid in identification of skeletal remains. The process is also used to recreate historic skulls for archaeological purposes and for museums.  Carrie uses her knowledge of anatomy as a physician’s assistant, coupled with her extensive portraiture experience.


The skull is marked at bony landmarks according to guidelines and standards. This reveals the average depth of tissue at these points. Clay is added and features roughed out. The final part of reconstruction is where talent couples with knowledge to show a "best guess" at what the person looked like in life. It is here that Carrie adds depth and reality to the sculpture. The last picture shows the same person with changes of aging. The extraordinary details and life-like appearance are a testimonial to Carrie's remarkable skill.

Carrie’s training as a physician’s assistant gives her knowledge of musculature which adds amazing dimension in her reconstructions.